
As all of you know this blog is about mostly about some of my interests and things around us. I just hope with your help i can feature lots of fun information on the blog about animation to let you have a quick and easy read. I have always wanted to do something that people would love to read in their free time or maybe there resting time. so guys hope you get a good read.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Long time gone

Hey guys i have been busy with alot of things for a long time now so i haven't been able to put up any new posts well i hope that ends soon. Well Anyway i will tell you what i have been up to so far basically my college just started so been busy just trying to fit in there.... and well been working on some new stuff on modelling and VFX. Plus i have joined "tasi.org". For all of you people who don't know what it is, well i will tell you. It is the Animation Society of India. I will be putting up a separate page for it soon later on for reasons i don't really  want to tell all of right now because I am feeling a little lazy. But don't worry about it you will soon know why. Hoping to keep on posting alot things about animation and other fun stuff.
Ohh and i will be taking out the Amway page so you wont be seeing that anymore.
Well i can tell you what you can be looking for on my blog in a couple of days. Let's see umm i guess more posts   more page updates and hopefully more fun stuff to see and enjoy. 

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