
As all of you know this blog is about mostly about some of my interests and things around us. I just hope with your help i can feature lots of fun information on the blog about animation to let you have a quick and easy read. I have always wanted to do something that people would love to read in their free time or maybe there resting time. so guys hope you get a good read.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Award wining short film

This is my first film that won second place in the Ray film Festival 2011 - 2012.
It is a musical montage and theme was "yeh hai mumbai meri jaan".
Hope all of you  like it.

Title :- A day in Mumbai through innocent eyes

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A new Blog!!!

Hey everyone I started a new blog where in which I will be showcasing all my work and experience.
I may put in some work in progress stuff and on doing so I hope that all of you will be giving me advice so that I may improve. And if by looking at my work you are able to excel in what you do then all the better. I really enjoy sharing my knowledge and gaining it too (obviously).
Click here to view my new Blog!

Hoping to get a good response  ^_^  peace.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10 BAD@SS Online Games! from Vsauce

If you are like me then you must want to play games which are more violent or shall we say in this case bad@ss.  Well thanks to Vsauce i get to play really kickass games although some do get boring but still fun to play if you nothing to do in the house.

Dress-up Elf: http://www.badassflashgames.com/flash-arcade-game.php?gameid=34455&gamena...

Mechanical Commando: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/475495

Fish like a man: http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=55253

Zombie Tower Defense:http://666games.net/Violent/Flash/Play/620/Zombie_Tower_Defense_3.html

Zombie Bites: http://www.hairygames.com/play-zombie-bites.html

Zombie Golf Riot: http://www.addictinggames.com/zombiegolfriot.html

Penguinz: http://www.kongregate.com/games/LongAnimals/penguinz

Curious Weltling: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/390151

Tactical Assassin Substratum: http://armorgames.com/play/2500/tactical-assassin-substratum

Gangsta Bean: http://www.addictinggames.com/gangstabean.html

Kill Kar II: Revenge: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/519830

10 amazing flash games from Vsauce

Here is another edition of Vsauce where it brings more challenging and really fun games to play online.
Again for people who get seriously bored at home i suggest you guys try the games.

Run: http://www.kongregate.com/games/player_03/run

Sky Island: http://armorgames.com/play/10899/sky-island

Gun Blood: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/554695

Powdergame: http://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/dust/

EON: http://www.java-gaming.com/game/7113/EON/

Line Rider: http://www.linerider.com/

Solipskier: http://mikengreg.com/solipskier/

notpr0n: http://www.deathball.net/notpron/

Tim Tang Test: http://www.timtang.com/ttt/

Little Wheel: little wheel: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/498994


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Wallet

Now a days i have shown a lot of interest in Google I never thought Google was so amazing. If i keep talking about it maybe it won't you would loose interest. Anyway today while browsing through Google i came across and cool app for android which is developed by Google obviously this is not going to be introduced in India anytime soon.
So Basically the App is called the Google Wallet. Its a really amazing way to carry your money around. Because people like me always like to find ways to keep my pockets light rather than stuff it.
Well rather than me talking about watch the video your self and find out. And if your trying to compare this with any other money app then i would like to say that please don't, Because everybody has heard of Google and as far as popularity of app goes it would spread like wildfire if turns out to be great.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Animation E-Books

In the time of today, people have many electronic devices through which they read various e-books on the go especially PDF files. So I decided that instead of just telling you which books to read for animation I would give you the links to it as well so that you would have the pleasure of reading it in your electronic devices.

How to succeed in Animation : This is an E-book from AWN.com so you would able to read it only from the page itself (which means it is non-downloadable)

Animation tips and Tricks : This link does not only have just one book but many. And it is from animation mentor so if anyone of you have heard about it then you would know it is worth a read.

11 free e-books For Maya, 3DS Max and Lightwave : Here are some usefull books on getting better at your specialized software.

So I hope all of you get a good read from these books and keep getting better and better. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is Facebook Bad For Your Health?

This is a post from Smosh.com  check them out for more interesting posts.
Over the weekend psychologist Dr. Larry Rosen released his findings regarding teens and technology. And surprise! Technology can be bad for your health! His findings show that teens who use technology, such as the internet and video games, are more likely to suffer from stomach aches, sleeping problems and depression. WHAT? Is he sure there aren't other causes for that stuff? I mean I'd be pretty depressed too if i had the laptop setup below:
Of course Facebook took the brunt of his criticism. Dr. Rosen blames the social network for an increase in narcissism amongst young people, by giving them the 24/7 ability to publish constant information about themselves. I think he meant to say constant useless information and carefully manipulated profile pics. Snap!
The constant instant gratification of Facebook and texting leads to a prioritizing of the quantity of connections made over quality. And that's where the depression comes in. Hundreds of empty connections is no substitute for real human connections, Rosen says. Although even hundreds of useless connections are better than none, no?
The study also shows that excessive Facebook use can lead to an increase in anti-social behavior, mania, aggressive tendencies and alcohol abuse.  
And it should come as no surprise that students who are obsessed with Facebook, including checking their FB pages while studying, tend to focus less, which results in poor test performance and lower grades. Yeah, yeah, I know, you're researching something. You're writing a paper on your ex's vacation pics.
Facebook isn't all bad though. Dr. Rosen said it is a great way to bring shy kids out of their shell, giving them a safe way to engage in social interactions. I say it's only a matter of time until they are just as narcissistic as the rest of us.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAH! Sorry cute shy baby!
So once again a study that shows that the overuse of something can be bad for you. So, just don't overdo it...mmmkay? After all, we have more important things to do with our time, like obsessively looking for time-wasting websites and doing Google searches for funny Facebook images.
What do you think? Is Facebook bad for your health? Do you wanna check your FB page right now? Let's discuss in the comments!

The 8 Types Of People Who REALLY Look At Your Facebook Profile!

This is post from Smosh.com Check them out for more interesting posts.
No spam scam is more prolific on Facebook than the old "Find Out Who's Viewing Your Profile NOW!" one. No matter how many times it's revealed to be nothing but a scam, people still can't resist the urge to click that link when it's presented to them. Call it narcissism or call it, well...I guess it's just narcissism, people really seem to wanna know. But you really don't need to annoy all your friends again. It's not the person you secretly love, the most popular girl in school or Justin Bieber. Here are the people who really ARE looking at your Facebook profile. 

Your Parents

Hello? They feel it is their duty as parents to constantly monitor your page. Not only do they look at your page, they log into your account to look at your personal messages and they will send out updates as you, letting everyone know that they have just pwned your ass. Parents have no sense of humor on Facebook, unless it's at your expense. 

Your Ex

You do it to them. Why wouldn't they do it to you? This is why it's important to constantly Facebrag. You can never kick an ex hard enough while they're down.

The Person Who Lives In Fear That You Will Broadcast Your 'Friendship' To The WORLD

They are probably only friends with you because you are related or you're the child of their parents' friends. She can never take away your memories of all the time you spent playing doctor together as children. Mental pictures of private parts are forever.

The Person Just Waiting To Call You On Your Sh*t

This person knows you too well and loves nothing more than making your life a living hell. Make a mistake with your and you're? You're screwed. Brag about an accomplishment? Your friend is there to remind people of the time you shart at the senior prom. Seven out of ten times this person is also your ex.

Someone Who's Crushing On You

For the person crushing on you, your info page is their bible. They will use it to fake how much you have in common and then they will download all your photos so they can make a slideshow, with Rolling In The Deepas the soundtrack. Every little thing you do causes them severe despair or unwarranted euphoria. Both of which involve mentally ill crazy tears.

The Person You Accepted Out Of Pity

You're his only friend. He can spend hours staring at your page trying to come up with somethng witty to say. Then he usually gives up and decides to fap.

People Who Love To Hate You

These people LOVE to get aggressive when you're passive-agressive. They constantly consider unfriending you but loving to hate you is actually listed as one of their hobbies and interests. When they are bored they use your wall as 'Oh Snap!'  target practice.

The Person Trying To Avoid You

If you have one of these people looking at your wall, that means you yourself are a Facebook page stalker. And probably Forever Alone. Well, unless you count all your Farmville Friends. I'm sure they'll be happy to help plough your field. OH SNAP!
Who do you think is looking at your profile? Let me know @desijedeikin or tell us in the comments below?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Useful Sites that you have never heard of

Hi guys been searching around and I found another fellow blogger who posted very interesting info about different types of useful websites that not many people know about or even heard about.
There is a top ten list of these sites provided but I am just going from 10 to 5 to see the rest i would suggest you visit the original blog page for this.

10. Zeer
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If there was a website that could save your life, it’d be Zeer. Zeer displays the nutritionallabels for every kind of packaged food you can buy, and then lets you comment / rate your favorite, or perhaps least favorite, items. Trying to get into better shape or becomehealthier? Maybe you’re a vegetarian and you want to know if that tasty snack you saw had ny beef in it. You thought you saw some beef-like texture for sure. Or maybe you want to know if that new Doritos flavor is any good. All your questions and more can be answered here.

9. Bartleby

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Wikipedia’s overrated and about to become outdated. Bartleby provides you with unlimited access to various books and other information free of charge. The categories are reference, verse, fiction, and nonfiction. It’s very easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, whether it be Aesop’s fables or Shakespeare or even The Bible. The site also has a built-in encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, and quotation dictionary as well.

8. 5min

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Forget Ehow, Wikihow, or any other how-to website out there. 5min is your “one-stop shop for instructional videos and DIY projects.” It’s always easier to learn watching someone do it rather than reading about it. It’ll only take 5 minutes of your time and its videos range from “Tto Zurich, Switzerland” to “Yoga to Cure Constipation?” Or you can become a teacher, create an account, and upload your own videos.

7. Tryphone

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You can test drive a car, why shouldn’t you be able to test drive a phone? Don’t rely on CNET reviews and friend’s suggestions to buy your next phone, try it for yourself. Use their fully interactive online virtual headsets and try out the buttons, applications, services, content, and more. Every phone’s in crystal clear quality and literally, what you see is what you get. There are also user reviews, phone specifications, and other information on the site as well. Never feel uncertainty again when buying your next phone.

6. Newsmap

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Google News is an amazing source of news. Constantly updated, reliable, and lots and lots of it. But maybe that last one’s not such a good thing. You’re busy but you still want to be informed, but it’s just so hard to discern what’s important and what’s not with Google News. That’s where Newsmap comes in. Newsmap is a graphical representation of Google News that makes it easy for you to find the news you actually care about. It relies on something called a “treemap algorithm” for this. Basically, more popular and important stories appear larger, while the lesser stories are smaller. Stories are also arranged by theme and represented by different colors. See for yourself.

5. DailyLit

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Despite popular belief, many people do actually enjoy reading books, but they just can’t find any time to set aside for this underrated hobby. The DailyLit fixes that easily. First, you choose the book you want to read. The older books are free, while the more modern classics might need a purchase. Then you choose the time and day you want to read it. Maybe you want to read it every day at 8 P.M. And that’s it. DailyLit will send you short installments of the book via RSS or e-mail and you can read it on a mobile device like an iPhone or on your computer. Before you know it, you’ll have finished the book, and it’ll have taken you less than 5 minutes a day.

Do you want to see the rest of it ?
Then go to this blog :- shasscript.blogspot.com

Upcoming short film?

Hey everyone sorry for not posting anything for some time now its just that i went to my friend's house to make a film but i did not make the film that was planned. So all of you must be thinking what film did i make. Well we (as in my friend and I) decided to make an beginner stop motion animation through his vast collection lego.
Well basically there is still lots to do and lots of mistakes which are obvious but i just wanted to try my hand at this type of animation as well. Of coarse i would add in extra stuff to make it a little different from the normal lego videos you would see on youtube.
Speaking of youtube, i just wanted to tell everyone to check out all lego stop motion videos there are so many children who don't actually study animation but are able to expand there creativity through learning from the tutorials and making amazing videos. It is a delight to see such things happening in the world of today.
So on saying that i will keep searching new things for all you to enjoy reading and learning.
Thanks for all your support it means alot to me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Asifa 2011 Animation Day

Asifa India Aniamtion day is coming soon on 18th September here is the poster and details for entries go for it and do your best.

Competition is open for Animated and VFX films from around the world as well as India.
ASIFA India Awards of Excellence have been setup to recognize and celebrate the best in the art of Animation. Awards of Excellence is organized by ASIFA India.

2. Entry Requirements

Films must have been completed between the time span of October ‘10 to September ‘11.

The competition is open for all Animated and VFX films.
Submitting films is free of charge.

3. Deadline

Deadline of receiving entries: 18th September 2011

4. Submission
All participants must fill the Online Entry Form. Click Here for Entry Form

The following material has to be sent together with each submitted film:
1) A PAL/NTSC playable DVD (1 film per dvd). PAL DVD preferred.
2) At least 1 still photo from the film. ASIFA India will not return the submitted materials.
3) A sheet of paper stating the Name and Director of the Film

4. Selection
The sender will be notified of the selection results by a specific date.(Date to be announced soon).

5.Shipping Procedures
The expenses of sending the Film will be paid by the sender. Preview/ Screening copies will not be returned. The DVDs must be sent by 18th September 2011 to the following address:
ASIFA India,
C/o Rhythm & Hues Studios India Pvt Ltd,
The V, Vega Block, 11th Floor, Left Wing, Plot No - 17
Software Units Layout, HITEC City
Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500 081
Phone: +91 40 40334567

Following are the categories available for submission to competition this year:
1. Student Films
3D Animated / 2D Animated / Stop Motion / VFX
(Films made by animation students in further and higher education)

2. Professional Films - Animated / VFX
Short Films / Commercials / TV Episodes / Feature Films
(Films made by professional animators and studios)

How to increase computer performance

Recently i have been wondering how do I increase the performance of my computer because i do a lot of rendering for R & D. And guess what I found that seemed so simple yet so effective. It really did increase the performance. I feel like an idiot when I find something that normally everybody should know..... So anyway this is just to show you the procedure so that you don't delete some important files.


Just Go to: 
=>Type: %temp% 
 =>select all files
=>Press Shift & delete
Thats all..!

The New Facebook Page

Hi everyone, Well i have really been hoping to start up a facebook page for this blog. Which will also be in collaboration with my Alno business. I personally am usually am on facebook a lot so decided to work on making a page which will be interesting because i wouldn't have to promote my blog that much. Here is a sneak peek of what the facebook page profile pic would look like. And i hope all of you reading this like the page too.

If at all the page turns out to be a great success then i will start experimenting with the page more as well as to give all of you a better experience learning about animation and well other fun stuff too.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fun Stuff to do at home with the computer from Vsauce

Hey guys this is another video from Vsauce. This one is really interesting for those people who just get bored at home doing nothing especially if your bored of facebook or twitter.

pixelblast: http://www.bored.com/game/play/695/Pixel_Blast.html

birth year: http://whathappenedinmybirthyear.com/

SPORCLE: http://www.sporcle.com/

SPORCLE fonts: http://www.sporcle.com/games/xxDUNE/fabulous_fonts

SPORCLE FLAGS http://www.sporcle.com/games/europeflags.php

drag and drop statehttp://www.sheppardsoftware.com/states_experiment_drag-drop_Intermed_State15s...

STATETRIS: http://www.mapmsg.com/games/statetris/europe/

dogs: http://www.whichis.it/dogs/

ztype: http://www.phoboslab.org/ztype/

captcha invaders: http://www.e4.com/game/captcha-invaders/play.e4

retroshoot: http://retroshoot.com/retroshoot360.php

monotone (ball on bungee): http://freegames.1up.com/games/monotone.html

splitter: http://www.kongregate.com/games/EvgenyKarataev/splitter

gravity guy: http://www.socialesman.com/app/gravity-guy/gravity-guy.html

4 second frenzy: http://www.addictinggames.com/arcade-games/4secondfrenzy.jsp

things you can do on youtube now guys:

car/people manipuation: http://laughingsquid.com/videos-of-giant-hands-guiding-people-cars-by-june-bu...

Poop machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSFe91XlwYQ

Amazing fun stuff from Vsauce

Hey guys check out all these amazing fun stuff all from Vsauce. Its really cool just check it out.

mario backpacks: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/plush/e7ba/

SLR mount for your iPhone:http://www.coolshityoucanbuy.com/2011/07/iphone-slr-mount.html

Double Glasses: http://www.palomarweb.com/web/tienda/products/view/4

Portal items on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/search/handmade/geekery?search_submit=&q=portal&n...

Portal necklace: http://www.etsy.com/listing/74216371/orange-and-blue-portal-friendship?ref=sc_1

Portal Tote: http://www.etsy.com/listing/73709746/aperture-science-two-sided-portal-canvas...

Portal laptop sticker: http://www.etsy.com/listing/62685625/the-cake-is-a-lie-portal-laptop-decal?re...

Make mini weapons: http://www.marblesthebrainstore.com/mini-weapons-of-mass-destruction

beef jerky.... potato chips: http://www.rowanlane.com/

Utility Cards: http://graindesign.bigcartel.com/product/utility-card

Doomed glass: http://www.perpetualkid.com/doomed-crystal-skull-shot-glass.aspx

book themed tshirts: http://store.milestogoclothing.com/

FroliCat BOLT: http://www.frolicat.com/

TOAST coasters:http://www.momastore.org/museum/moma/ProductDisplay_Toast%20It%20Coasters_104...

Bubble necklace:http://www.momastore.org/museum/moma/ProductDisplay_Bubble%20Necklace_10451_1...

shower squid: http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/shower-squid

HAND SOAP: http://www.neatoshop.com/product/Hand-Soap

pickle finger puppets: http://www.neatoshop.com/product/Pickle-Finger

Pet Painting: http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/pets/e9bc/

bacon scented air-freshener:http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/cubegoodies/ea0c/

spam-flavored lip glaze: http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/accessories/ea1d/

solar powered USB charging pack: http://www.staples.com/Lenmar-2100mAh-Solar-Universal-Battery-Power-Pack-Char...

Tiffany Ard at uncommon goods: http://www.uncommongoods.com/artist?artistId=15280

Chromosome earrings:http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/chromosome-earring-x-or-y

Prime Number picture w/ bacon:http://www.tiffanyard.com/ohCOOL/prime.htm

Toykoflash Watches: http://www.tokyoflash.com

I Heart Shirts: http://www.neatoshop.com/catg/I-Heart

Seth Kinman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_Kinman
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