
As all of you know this blog is about mostly about some of my interests and things around us. I just hope with your help i can feature lots of fun information on the blog about animation to let you have a quick and easy read. I have always wanted to do something that people would love to read in their free time or maybe there resting time. so guys hope you get a good read.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Power of Blender - Free 3D software

In the past recent years Blender has grown to a level that no one would have ever imagined. Just the thought of a of free 3D software with all the professional qualities in it was nearly impossible. Even if something was made for free then people would find some or the other limitation to it. But now the software called blender changed all that. They keep making the software better and better and I personally feel that Blender will take over the industry pipeline has a whole and it has already begun.
This is also the best way to fight against piracy for 3D software. Since Blender is FREE no rules apply (smiley face). 

But actions speak louder than words so rather than just telling you about it why not just show you instead.
Down below is showreel video for blender, do watch it and please understand the amount work that needs to be put into making such a software. I suggest all people who don't have money to buy high end software to go for Blender and not piracy. Join the Blender community and contribute to software by giving them feedback so that they can make it better for you guys.

Enjoy the video. (Extreme Smiley Face).

Please comment give your thoughts much appreciated.

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Gaming Channel

Yes just as the title of this post says so this is a pot to tell you that I have started a gaming channel of my own I don't really know where I will be heading with this channel but mostly I want to entertain people by commentary...
I may not have the best voice but may improve over time. Not everything happens in a day. So yeah... that's pretty much it.
I don't really play High Quality Games right now even though I am so very "RICH" (no I am not rich at all) that I can buy better recording stuff or even get a better computer....
maybe in the near future I want to take this channel a bit further maybe then I will think about it more and start spending some money to improve on it.
But for now this is all I can do and more importantly I want to know what guys think about it. Give me suggestions and support (only if you want to). I will do my best to improve the way you want me to, So please comment on this post or on my videos.

Here are some playlists I recently made for the channel check them out.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Free Royalty free music

Hi everyone, I just wanted post a video from Indymogul  where they have looked up good sites for all your music needs.
Hope you enjoy it.

Go to youtube from this video to get all there links and more. And do subscribe to them because do all this for you to grow and become better, So show your support. Thanks.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sound is important!

As many of you filmmakers know that sound is really important but we don't have enough equipment to get good sound quality. To tell you the truth even I don't know how to achieve that yet but I did look into some youtube videos about sound that helped, Although I haven't tried those tricks out myself but will being doing so in the near future (hopefully).
Basically sound gives that certain depth you need in scene it can be background sound or dialog or even sound effects. In the case of "Dialog" which is important in almost every movie you make should be in good quality in terms of volume and clarity, You wouldn't want your  dialog to have that bad noise coming from your background now would you?? (hope that answer is no). So instead just writing about it I will show the videos I found that should be of some help to you. And one more thing these are just a few extra videos I found, If you really want help on getting better sound then I had an earlier blog post about Low Budget Filmaking in which I gave a few links to some youtube chanels that you should follow, So do read that.

So these are few audio videos I found that can be helpful so please do subcribe to their youtube chanel as well as subscribe to my blog (smiley face), And If anyone needs anything in particular that you want me to blog about then please do comment.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Low Budget Films

I will be putting up a new film soon that I had been working on recently and I am planning on starting a music video also. Hopefully the music goes without a hitch and what I mean by that is it should be done with minimum problems. No Film project that you are planning can be completely perfect. If you already a Independent film maker then you already know this, If not then this is a good point to be noted. So there is no need to get frustrated or disheartened by the fact that the film isn't going so well. Just remember that this is a low budget film so you can lack proper equipment and man power. When you do lack in funds for your films then it is always good to find cheats to help you achieve what you want in a shot. Sometimes to get the type of lighting you want, you have to use the natural light to your advantage. Planning the shoot should be at a particular time of day would help you to get your final result.
But if you do have the equipment already. Then I suggest you take full advantage of it because I feel putting your time and effort in the production phase will really decrease the amount of work that would need to be done in post. Think of post as a process of retouching your film to give a little edge, Don't be dependent on post production to remove all the flaws.
Another problem that we might face in a low budget film are actors and location.
As far as actors are concerned I would suggest to start socializing with many people who are like minded towards what you want to achieve. Oh and when I mean socialize I mean actually going to meet that person for a cup of coffee or something and not FACEBOOK or using any other social sites to communicate. I would use it just invite those friends to get together. But the bottom line is when you have good like minded friends then they wouldn't hesitate to help you in your film. Need not be only for acting that your friends can help you but even friends who can contribute to your man power is also good.  They give ideas for locations that need not have to paid to shoot which is a bonus especially making a low budget film.
The only time you should be spending money is on food and transport is what I think. Because no one likes to work on an empty stomach and travelling is something now days difficult with the increasing rates of petrol, buses, rickshaws etc, So so taking care of transport from your budget is also a plus point.
But all this would apply if you were working with a new team for the first time. But if they were your friends then you could decide who takes care of the food or who takes a care of the transport or even who take cares of location hunting etc.
Low budget film making only needs to be handled in smart way. If you lack equipment then just research on how you can achieve what you want to achieve. By reading this shows that your making efforts to improve your film making skills but this is just my point of view there are many people who are more qualified than me who could help you. I learnt most of my low budget techniques from youtube.
Trust me making a low budget film is not easy so don't take things for granted.
Here are some links to youtube channels that will help you get better in film making ENJOY :-

These are some my favorites and don't worry if you keep learning from these guys then you are bound to get more links to other people who can help you grow. So happy Low Budget Filming.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Direction and Film Making

So I decided to share some of my experience of Directing and Film making that would really help budding directors and actors.
So basically lets start from the beginning,
So lets say you have a story in your head and want to express it to your film crew well the best way to do that is writing it down on a paper or on the computer whatever is comfortable for you. You will notice while doing this your idea might not have that edge that you wanted but that's a good thing, Now comes the time for you to brainstorm on different ideas and story aspects that your film needs. Here you wont need your entire crew to decide what is right or wrong in the story, You just need people like a story writer or an co-assistant director to  help you out. Don't worry if you don't have those type of guys with you, You could always get good input from your close friends and BE OPEN TO CRITICISM . Don't let bad comments or views let you down, This just gives you a chance to improve yourself and learn from your mistakes.
Ok so now that the story is finalized  you can go on to planning.

Planning a film:-
Most film makers tend to do less planning for their movies due to time constraints. This is a very common case which should be avoided. Proper planning of film is the most important part of film making. It may be a drag to do so when you know what to do but you are not alone in this, If you have film crew with you then you would need to brief them with what would happen on shoot. All these questions of where, when, how and why would be answered and would create less chaos on the day of the shoot. Things like what type of shot would that be or what type of shot will this be would be cleared calmly by the director because there is no pressure at that time which is a good thing. Or even explaining to the actors what their roles are in the film is essential hopefully they would do their homework and then be prepared for the shoot which is also creates less chaos and a better relationship with the director. Oh and things like how much gear you need on a particular day could be planned as well because we wouldn't want to carry too much load if we don't need it.
Ok now that you briefed your crew and actors about the plan now you just need to wait for the day of shooting.

Directing and Actors:-
This is very important topic that I needed to cover in this post, The reason only being that the relationship you have with your actors is one of the keys for making a good film. Although there are other aspects to film making such as lighting, sound and quality etc etc but that is just the technical aspects of it. Directors get distracted by the technical aspects of the film that they forget who is acting in the film and tend to take them for granted. If there are actors who are beginners then you can't expect them to get everything right. It will take time for them to get the shot right. Here the director needs to build the actors confidence by telling him he did well but if he/she had done it in this way it would be much better. By saying this the actor won't get demotivated but would try improving himself to make the shot look good.
But often we think it is the Directors fault for not explaining the actors what needs to be done properly. Well you would be surprised to know that it equally the actors fault. Like I said before, after the director briefs the actor on what his character is then later its the actors duty to DO HIS HOMEWORK. What I mean by this is that the actor needs to practice or visualize what his character is all about, This takes alot of time to do if you are an Amateur actor. This builds a mutual understanding between director and actor and reduces wasted time and effort but leaves time for more creativity.

So this was my experience hope this would help you to make your own short films with ease. Well easier said than done of coarse. I can't go into technical aspects of the film but hopefully if I get the time I would would make some behind the scenes footage for some of my short films. Peace.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Upcoming short film? Version 2

Hey guys last year I posted a blog about a short film that I was going to make out of with Lego Stop Motion apparently I did not have the time to give my 100% to project but I did not want our effort to go to waste so here is the fully compiled version of the film without dialog. And don't worry about the pauses in-between the scenes, that was done to put in the dialog which just couldn't be done at the time. Hopefully in the future if we get the time we will finish it completely. So for now enjoy the video If you can......

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